Spring Boot + Microservices

Spring Boot to distributed & microservices architecture is what Spring core was to monoliths all through 2004 to 2020. It is a robust platform from Pivotal that can stand as a backbone of any large microservices based software solution

When architects were designing & developing monolith enterprise solutions with EJBs, Spring provided a modular platform to develop similar enterprise-grade applications that can be deployed in a simple & standard (light-weight) servlet container. You could plug-n-play services like messaging & transaction management into your POJOs, instead of creating EJBs and deploying them on full blown app servers.

Now, that the world has moved towards microservices, Spring has again provided a state-of-the-art set of tools under the framework called Spring Boot that facilitates implementation of distributed microservices. Implementation of distributed microservices leads to boiler plate patterns and this is exactly where spring boot steps in; using spring boot; developers can quickly roll up services and applications that implement these patterns.

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